Hair Accessories by Kristin Jackson

If you checked out out first “coming soon” post you were probably wondering what on earth the model was wearing….

Hair glasses of course!  Why not right?

Hair covered glasses by our stylist Kristin Jackson.  Made in a variety of colors and available in sunglasses or with clear lenses.  Raquel Reed is a big fan, she has her own custom blue pair to match her blue hair!  For sale for $35

Raquel Reed – photo by Steve Prue, Hair by Kristin

Also for sale are hair bow barrettes for only $25

photo by Steve Prue

Like the braided headband look but just can’t quite do it yourself?  Try out a pre-made one, available in tons of different hair colors and sizes, even double and triple braids!  Prices range from $12- $24

Photo by Steve Prue Hair by Kristin Jackson

Both the braids and the bows were featured on the Today Show with Katy Lee. you can watch the video by clicking (will open a new window)

Stepping away from hair accessories made from hair, we also have roses made out of colored duct tape.  Available in two sizes even some crystalized with real Swarovski Crystals!  Prices range from $10- $25

Large Roses – Sharon TK – Photo by Steve Prue Hair by Kristin

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